Back to our first of bite..........

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Tuesday 25 October 2011

Our FIRST evolution to world

What a type of dark lover favors~~~~

Back to our First Bite

Are you wondering with the taste of 1st biting the chocolate? It had to come back to the bittest and origin pure dark chocolates first. Tat's why we had produced the finest smoothy pure dark chocolates in the world which called 1st Bite. It made up of chocolate liquor, cocoa powder, and cocoa butter as usual but the difference is First Bite using the purest chocolate liquor mixed with some form of fat. It doesn't mix up with others messy flavour, taste, and even other ingredient!!! It definitely bring us back to the natural and pure taste of dark chocolate with the simple chocolate liquor which is the ground or melted state of the nib of the cacao bean, the processed finest cocoa butter and even the nonfat part of the cacao bean which is ground into a powder as the cocoa powder built-in. 
